Ofsted Report

Here is a sample of what Ofsted said about Barrington when they last visited us in April 2022:

Pupils at Barrington Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School are confident, kind, and happy.


Pupils enjoy their learning and can concentrate. Ducklings in the corridor were an exciting focus for learning even at play time. Organised trips bring learning to life for example, visits to a sustainable farm, a local river trip and going to the seaside. These all provide valuable learning experiences for pupils.


Pupils routinely behave well. They say that bullying is rare, and any incidents are quickly dealt with.


Pupils feel valued. This is because their voice is heard, and their ideas are included in the life of the school. This is through the many varied ‘ministries’ that pupils can be part of. For example, having a role in designing areas of the school like the library.


Pupils have a wide range of clubs that they can take part in. This is in addition to the ministries, for example, netball, choir and multi-sport. Pupils are respectful active citizens. They show tolerance and understanding of others. For instance, when talking about what it might be like to be a refugee. One pupil said, ‘I just want to give them (a refugee) a hug’.