Our Governors

Welcome to the Governing Board!
The role of the Governing Board is to assist with the strategic development of the school and to ensure accountability.

Our school governors have a varied and important role in helping the school run effectively. They have 3 core functions:

  • Planning the strategic direction of the school
  • Overseeing financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent
  • Holding the headteacher or school leadership to account

The role of governors is strategic rather than operational. Governors don’t get involved with the day to day running of a school, instead supporting and challenging the school’s leadership team to drive school improvement.

The Governing Board is made up of representatives from the parents, the staff, the local authority, the church and the parishes.
Chair of Governors - Nicky Rushton
Clerk to Governors - Helen Andrews
To contact the Governing Board, please email the Clerk to Governors in the first instance at clerk@barrington.cambs.sch.uk.
The Constitution of Our Governing Board
Name Type of Governor Tenure Committee Membership Responsibilities
Andrea Avant Staff Governor 1/9/22 - 31/8/26 Education Committee  
Natalie Carter Parent Governor 1/7/23 - 30/6/27  
Mental Health
Felicity Couch Foundation (Ex Officio) 1/6/2020 Education Committee  
Elizabeth Gray Foundation 1/9/23 - 30/8/27 Education Committee SEND
Victoria Holt LA Governor 25/10/23 - 24/10/27
Education Committee
Pay Committee
Cyber Security
Pupil Premium
Sharon Isaacs Co-Opted Governor 1/4/21 - 30/3/29
Business Committee
Education Committee
Chair of Education Committee
Julian Priddle Co-Opted Governor 27/3/23 - 26/3/27
Business Committee
Education Committee
Health & Safety
Agata Richards Headteacher (Ex Officio) 1/9/24
Business Committee
Education Committee
Nicky Rushton Co-Opted Governor 12/1/21 - 11/1/29
Business Committee
Education Committee
Chair of Governors
Claire Stoneham Parent Governor 1/7/23 - 30/6/27
Business Committee
Pay Committee
Vice-Chair of Governors
There are currently two vacancies on the Governing Board:  1 Parent Governor and 1 Foundation Governor.
Governor Meeting Dates 2024-25

FGB meetings -                                                     Thurs 12th September 2024 at 6.15pm

                                                                              Weds 4th December 2024 at 6.15pm

                                                                              Weds 12th February 2025 at 6.15pm

                                                                              Weds 2nd April 2025 at 6.15pm

                                                                              Thurs 8th May 2024 at 3.45pm (hybrid meeting)

                                                                              Thurs 17th July 2024 at 6.15pm

 Business Committee -                                          2nd October 2024 at 6.15pm (virtual meeting)

                                                                              13th November 2024 at 6.15pm (virtual meeting)

                                                                              15th January 2025 at 6.15pm (virtual meeting)

                                                                              12th March 2025 at 6.15pm (virtual meeting)

                                                                              30th April 2025 at 6.15pm (virtual meeting)

                                                                              11th June 2025 at 6.15pm (virtual meeting)

 Education Committee -                                        16th October 2024 at 3.45pm

                                                                              27th November 2024 at 3.45pm

                                                                              19th March 2025 at 3.45pm

                                                                              more dates to follow once agreed

Governing Board Diversity Data Statement

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing board are identifiable.