The School Parliament

The School Parliament 

For many years we have had a school council at Barrington. This is the way we try and ensure that the children have a chance to have a say in what goes on in school.  Previously, we had two representative from each year in the school, but we have recently reorganised how we run our school council with the aim of allowing more children to get involved and have a voice in the running of the school. We now have a school parliament made up currently of seven ministries. Any of the children in school are able to volunteer to join one of the ministries and can choose which aspect organising school they would like to get involved in and each ministry is led by an adult from school to help guide and organise the children.


Our different ministries are;


The Ministry of Charities (led by Mrs Beswick)– responsible for organising events in school to support different charities in raising money, awareness of their cause or resources; for example they have been involved with the awareness raising event we held for World Mental Health Day and organising and promoting the Blythswood Trust Christmas Shoe Box appeal.


The Ministry of Well-being (led by Mrs Davies and Mrs Cambridge) – responsible for organising events to raise awareness of and promote positive well-being. For example running peer mediation in the playground, helping to choose inspiration days and whole school end of term celebration events, to enrich the curriculum and inspire the children.  This ministry organise events for the whole school during anti-bullying week in November.


The Ministry of Safety (led by Mrs Davies) – this ministry includes our Junior Travel Ambassadors who work with the county road safety officer to help raise the awareness of all the children in school of how to be safe on the roads. They attended the county JTA conference and then came back to share what they had learnt with the rest of the school. They also have a role in looking out for safety hazards in school and will be busy carrying out walks round the school with Mrs Davies during the build project to ensure that everyone is safe.


The Ministry of Design (led by Mrs Davies) – The projects that the Ministry of Design are working on this year are the design of the new quiet area in the playground that will be a sensory garden, and the replacement of the school climbing frame with a range of new active play equipment.


The Eco-Ministry (led by Mrs Davies) - this ministry aims to develop the children's awareness of environmental issues, to give them the opportunity to make a difference to their local environment and have their say on world environmental issues. As a result of their hard work the school was awarded a Bronze Eco School Award in July 2019.