Orange Class 2024-25

Read here all of the expected age related outcomes for children by the end of Year 1.
Below you will find phonics phoneme finders and links to the actual songs that we use in school that work alongside the powerpoint.
Here is an important message from Mrs Beswick (Computing coordinator):
Good afternoon everyone,
Below you will see the google classroom video with instructions on how to access your child's assignments and how to send them back to the class teacher.
You will also be sent an email from school with your child's username and intake number (the year they started at Barrington; 21), password and class code which is cwqx23k
When you have entered your child's username and password, if you have a 'g mail' account already set up on your device, it will automatically default to your personal account and so may come back with an error message saying 'class cannot be found'.
If this happens, you will need to make sure that you have signed out of your personal account before your child will be able to see their class. If in doubt, when logging in, look to the top right hand side where there will be a symbol for your account and you can either log out here or add another account and then follow the instructions to log your child in.
Remember, if you have any issues please get in touch and we will help as soon as we can.
Mrs Beswick
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