Yellow Class
Dear all Parents,
Welcome to a new Spring term in Yellow Class.
We hope you have all had a very festive and exciting Christmas and are ready for a fun but busy term ahead! We have lots of resources and videos relating to our various topics on google classroom so please check them out. In addition we have also attached the Year 2 expectations which you may find useful.
Below you will find the Spring curriculum letter that was sent recently and also the yearly long term plan. Just click on the link to download.
Mrs Beswick & Mrs Hadley
Phonics in Yellow Class;
Below you will find phonics phoneme finders, tricky words and links to the songs that we use in school.
- Stage-1-Phoneme-Finder.259592661.pdf
- Stage-2-Phoneme-Finder.259592758.pdf
- Stage-3-Phoneme-Finder.259592866.pdf
- New sofs-Tricky word presentation 2023.pptx
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Google Classroom access instructions from Mrs Beswick:
Below you will see the google classroom video with instructions on how to access your child's assignments and how to send them back to the class teacher.
You will also be sent an email from school with your child's username and intake number (the year they started at Barrington; 21 or 22), password and class code which is djm4bla.
When you have entered your child's username and password, if you have a 'g mail' account already set up on your device, it will automatically default to your personal account and so may come back with an error message saying 'class cannot be found'.
If this happens, you will need to make sure that you have signed out of your personal account before your child will be able to see their class. If in doubt, when logging in, look to the top right hand side where there will be a symbol for your account and you can either log out here or add another account and then follow the instructions to log your child in.
Remember, if you have any issues please get in touch and we will help as soon as we can.
Mrs Beswick
Letterjoin is our scheme of learning that we use teach handwriting. There are lots of fantastic resources on here and I have attached the login and instructions for you to join. Last year we had individual logins but we have moved to one login for everyone this year. We have been focusing on caterpillar letters this week, so why not see what your child can show you they can do!
Mrs Beswick
Mrs Beswick
- Letter-joinHomeAccess v2.docx
- HomeInstructions (4).pdf
- caterpillars.letters-.pdf
- robots.letters.pdf
- ladders.letters.pdf
- zigzags.letters.pdf
- diagonals.f1k1w1x2z2.pdf
- horizontals.f1k1w1x2z2.pdf
Below are some websites that would be useful for your child when practicing various maths essential skills such as times tables, place value and number. Just click on the link and have fun!
These are also on the class google page.
- Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
- Ordering and sequencing
- Counting on and back
- Counting in steps of 2-10
- Counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10
- Learning the place value of digits
- Number fact families
- Number bubble counting
- Practising place value using base 10
- Matching numerals to words
- Maths games with different levels for different games covering entire year